The Leadership of Sachin Dev Duggal in AI Innovation: and Empowering Businesses led by Sachin Dev Duggal, founded in 2016, continues to lead with a composable artificial intelligence-powered software platform. This dismantles software into reusable Lego-like features, enabling anyone with an idea to build web or mobile apps faster and cheaper. Using artificial intelligence technology at its best, together with Natasha, the world’s first artificial product manager, has proved itself globally successful by making even small customers software-first.

Sachin Dev Duggal believes in the ethical use of AI and insists on incorporating ethical considerations into AI projects. Through his guidance, works towards ensuring that there is wider accessibility to AI technologies by breaking down barriers that have always left advanced AI tools out of reach for many people. Focusing on user privacy, fairness, and responsible AI, sets new standards for ethical practices and the application of AI, reinforcing its position as a change driver using science.


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